Breadsall Scouts

Youlgreave Aug 2019

Sandiacre May 2019

Kinder Oct 2018

Roaches Aug 2018

Sheen Dec 2017

Kinder Oct 2017

Alstonefield May 2017

Kinder Oct 2016

Hulme End July 2016

Waterslacks Oct 2015

Kinder Oct 2015

Youlgreave Aug 2019

Kinder Oct 2014

Butterton Nov 2014

Eyam Jan 2014

Kinder Oct 2013

Hesley Wood June 2013

Taddington Oct 2012

Melton Sept 2011

Bretton Jan 2009

Birchover Nov 2008

Taddington Nov 2006

Walesby Aug 2006

Gradbach June 2004

John Lee Wood June 1993

Lea Bridge 1991

Back Packing Aug 1989

Back Packing May 1989

Wetton Mill Mar 1986

Back Dane 1975

Other Scout Trips

17th Aug 2019. Youlgreave Expedition.

Matt and Prof with Nathan M, James F, Harry H.

Saturday 17th - Up at 7am. Matt meets up with Nathan, James and Harry at Smalley Drive. Nathan is a little late and so they don't leave there until gone 7:30am. Fortunately the Transpeak is delayed and they just catch the 7:30 one. Annette rushes me over to Belper and I get on. We get off at Buxton. Walk a route which I have not done for a long time, via Staden and Cowdale. See diversion signs about Topley Pike. Nice blue skies and fresh air. We stop at Chelmorton for lunch. Carry on through Flagg and onto Monyash. We stop at the tea shop for drinks. We give them a good head start on the walk down Lathkil dale. We stop at Batman's house and then also the site of the water wheel. The scouts are suitably impressed. We carry on down Lathkil dale and leave near Over Haddon, walk up the steep path and across the fields to Youlgreave, about 14 miles. We sit outside in the sunshine and have a cup of tea. The scouts cook their own food, pasta and sauce. Matt does ours, chicken and chorizo tortellini with mascarpone and tomato sauce, we have a Magners with it. The scouts are in their room from 9:30pm. We stick it out till 10:30pm. I sleep well.

Sunday 18th - We all enjoy the hostel breakfast. Out of the Youth Hostel for 9:30. Good weather again. Carry on following the Limestone way. We stop at Robin Hood's stride to play on the rocks. We do some badge presentation. We have a good view to the south, we can see the Wind Turbines near Raynesway. We walk along Bonsall Moor lane, very straight and empty. Have lunch before we descend to the Via Gelia road. Up through the thick undergrowth and up to Middleton. We pass Mountain Cottage, D.H.Lawrence stayed there once. We pass the Miners Arms in Middleton and then down the hill. We miss the last train from Wirksworth and so wait for the bus home. I get off at Belper and Annette picks me up.

25th May 2019. Sandiacre Expedition.

Matt and Prof with Nathan M, James F, ZZT and Adam B.

Saturday 25th - I drive down to Derby Station for 9am and we catch the train to Nottingham. We get off and walk up to Waterstones. Just as we walk in the door, Paul Newsham from Belper Scouts sees us. We have a bit of a chat and he gives us some money for coffee. We walk down to Ye Flying House, 1483 and have coffee. Get the tram from the Old Market square to Wilford Village. Walk upstream along the Trent, walk across to an island with the lads. Stop at Owen's place for lunch. Fantastic warm, sunny weather. Walk though Long Eaton and along the canal to Sandiacre. We buy food from Lidl and then walk up to the scout hut. John Judson meets us there and talks to us about a few things. Matt cooks tea and we get a couple of fires going, using flint and steel. Adam Binns joins us. After tea we walk up to Stoney Clouds. I get the feelings that we can see Bolsover Castle, directly north. We follow a dark path through the woods on the way back, good views of Ratcliffe Power Station. Get the fire going and stand around till 11:30pm.

Sunday 26th - Matt is up from 7:15, cooks the bacon sandwiches. Away by 9:45am, a little drizzle to start with. Up and over Stoney Clouds, down and under the M1, for the first round of cakes. Across the Golf course and into Stanton. Try and do some Geo caches, but not much luck, we find one in the end. Dinner at the Hermitage. Have a look at Dale Abbey, it starts to rain heavily. Walk down Hagg Lane and then up Dale Road into Stanley, first time for me. Along the Greenway, Matt goes off to Oakwood with the older two, I walk down to Breadsall with the younger two. They are pretty tired, my feet and legs ache.

Sunday 14th Oct 2018. Kinder Extreme.

Matt sets off at 5am with four scouts to do the Kinder Extreme.

25th Aug 2018. Roaches Expedition.

Matt and Prof with Joe A, Nathan M, Oli M.

Saturday 25th - I drive down to Derby train station for 8:30am, free parking. Meet up with the scouts and Matt. We wait till 9:06 and then get the train replacement bus to Uttoxeter train station, next to the racecourse. Hen party are on the same train. Train to Stoke, then we walk across town to the bus station, not as bad as expected. Catch the number 18 to Leek. Start walking at approx. 12:30, the lads navigate from the start. Blue skies, I am in shorts. Walk up the east side of Tittlesworth res, a nice wide path. Have dinner just before we get to the visitor centre at 2pm. Walk through Upper Hulme and up to the base of Hen Cloud. Steep scramble to the top. They all enjoy that bit. The sign says that the Roaches are closed, but we decide to take a calculated risk. Enjoy good views from the ridge. All getting a bit tired by Lud's Church. Arrive a bit after the predicted 6pm. Annette and Holly are already by our site. Set up the tents and the event shelter. Holly enjoys exploring the site and playing a bit of tennis. Annette tells me that there is a bar. Matt and the lads cook pasta spirals and bolognese sauce, very good. Me and Matt decide to explore the bar later, it turns out to be a private party, we crash it for one designer G&T. All in bed for 10:30pm. Very warm in my new sleeping bag.

Sunday 26th - Up from 7:30am, Matt is already up and got the sausages on. Cereals, pour milk into the box, and sausage sandwiches. We have a good laugh at the Rain Alarm screen, it shows heavy rain for the next few hours. Annette sleeps in a bit but is still on site for 9:30am. We start walking for about 10:15am. The lads navigate us to Three Shires Head. We see a large group of runners first, then a large group of pony trekkers, then three runners who seem a bit lost. Rain from the start of the walk, becomes heavy as we cross the Cat and Fiddle road. We can see the Cat and Fiddle in the distance, through the grey cloud. I get a work text about some problem in Singapore. When we get into Buxton we shelter inside the shopping centre. My boots are full of water. Catch the bus at 14:30, Derby for 16:30. They catch a bus to Oakwood, I walk to the train station, along by the river.

2nd Dec 2017. Sheen Expedition.

Matt and Prof with George H, Marley, Joe A and Matthew M.

Saturday 2nd - I drive over to Oakwood for 8am, Matt has got the bike rack on the back of the van with three bikes on and three inside. He follows me back to Kilburn and I go in the van. Drive via Belper to Ashbourne. The scouts have planned to have chicken and noodles for tea. We all do the shopping at Sainsbury's, a bit of a laugh. We drive to Hartington signal box and unload the scouts, point them south along the track at 10am. Me and Matt drive up to the Sheen bunk house and drop off the overnight bags, it looks a great place. We consider cycling from there, but decide to go from Thorpe instead. We had expected them to have passed this point by now, but they have not. On the phone they claim to have only got to Alsop, so we cycle north to meet them. We all cycle down and through the tunnel in Ashbourne. Head across to Mapleton and then up the first proper hill to Blore, George and Joe are mostly at the back. They all enjoy the downhill into Ilam. We have our sandwiches sat outside the hall. It seems that Marley is not a vegetarian any more. Up an even longer hill and then down to Stanshope, we are a bit cold when we get to Wetton, and the pub has got a fire on, so we call in for a drink. Cycle down the steep hill down to the Manifold, Joe's back wheel does wobble quite a lot. Head north towards Hulme End. At the ford I slip off my bike and fall off, I hurt my left knee, and get soaked with water. We push on the Hulme End just as it is going dark, George is lagging behind. They are impressed by the accommodation. The scouts set about making chicken and noddles, led by George. Me and Matt watch a bit of Terminator. We enjoy a bottle of red with the meal. After 9pm, me and Matt walk down to the Staffordshire Knot later, my first time there.

Sunday 3rd - My knee is very stiff and painful in the morning. The scouts cook sausage, egg, bacon and beans for breakfast. We clean up and away for 10:30am. A bit of snow on the ground, Cycle north along the ridge to Crowdecote. Three of them choose to walk past High Wheeldon, whilst we cycle up and out of Earl Sterndale. On to the High Peak trail and head south. We planned to stop for lunch at Hartington, but cafe is shut. George's brakes seem to be sticking. When we get to Thorpe I offer to cycle on to the end at Ashbourne but none of them are keen.

Sunday 15th Oct 2017. Kinder Extreme.

I get up at 04:25, and collect Marley, George, Joe A and Jacob M, leave Oakwood at 5:30. Race and just get to Chapel for 6:30am. Kit check goes well. We set off at 07:15, walk up Sheffield road and then across Brown Knoll in mist. See a little sunshine from the downfall. Jacob has a massive blister, take off his thick socks and put on a plaster. Before Hayfield, the front three walk off, and I have to go back and check that they are not lost. Jacob wants to carry on at Hayfield, but Tom Stoddart talks him out of it. The climb up past Phoside farm is a killer. The last few miles are hard work. Knackered at the end, tired during the drive back. Time ZZT.

May 2017. Alstonefield.

Friday 26th - Matt picks up the scouts at 6pm and then calls round by Kilburn. George H, Marley, Nathan M, Joe A, Matt M, Harry H, James F, Jacob M, Nathan K. We arrive at about 8pm, blue skies and warm. Have a quick look at the barn and then decide that we must do a night hike. We head down towards Beresford Dale and down Wolfscote Dale. Walk back up through Alstonefield, get back at about 11:30pm. All the scouts sleep upstairs, me and Matt sleep in the kitchen. We plan the route for tomorrow. Clear night, plenty of stars, but I don't manage to spot Andromeda.

Saturday 27th - I get up at 8am and wake the rest. Cooked breakfast. We set them off at about 10:30am, the first objective is to walk to Hartington. Me and Matt drive there and find them having an ice-cream. We then set them off to Hartington signal box whilst we wait for Gill M, she arrives at about noon with Oliver M, James F and Nathan. We all eat at the signal box. Matt then talks them through the next stage and drops them at Dale Head and Dale End, about twenty minutes apart. They then walk down Biggin Dale and on to Milldale. We nip into Ashbourne for shopping and then meet them at Milldale. They carry on down Dovedale. We have chicken curry for tea. I get the fire going outside. We transfer some embers inside late on and get the fire going in the kitchen. Have a Doom Bar.

Sunday 28th - Cooked breakfast, I do a large omelette which we have for lunch. We drive to Waterhouses, Brown End farm and hire bikes. First stop is Thor's cave, we all walk up to explore. Then on to Wetton Mill for sandwiches. Carry on the Hulme End. Rather faster on the way back. We stop just after Wetton Mill to explore where the river disappears. The scouts are almost interested. I accidentally discover the entrance to Darfar Pot. Marley pushes Harry off his bike later, I am annoyed. We have sausage and mash for tea. Rain in the evening, transfer fire inside again.

Monday 29th - Cooked breakfast and clean the barn. Drive to Jodrell Bank, have sandwiches to start with. Some of them enjoy the visit. We let them loose in the park and almost all of them get on the swing. Drive home via Leek, get back for 4:30pm.

Sunday 16th Oct 2016. Kinder Extreme.

I pick up the scouts from 5am, Marley, George, Nat and Matt B. Check in at Chapel at 6:30am. Start walking at 7:11am. The route has changed and we follow the Challenge walk for the first part. Heavy rain at Throstle Bank. Matt B drops out at Hayfield. We walk on up the Snake path and the weather improves. Enjoys William Clough a lot. George and Marley lag a bit, but are determined to make it. Up onto Kinder and round to the Downfall, loads of Mountain Rescue. George and Marley love the downfall and the brown water. About ten minutes later George falls and hurts his knee (or maybe his ankle) at about 2pm. Mountain Rescue attend and help him down to the Land drover at Edale Cross. Back to Chapel for 6pm. Matt W walks with Marley and Nat to the end.

16th July 2016. Hulme End Expedition.

Matt and Prof with Lewis S, Daniel M, Nat M.

Saturday 16th - Matt meets up with the scouts gets the bus to Taddington. George is moving house so cannot make it. I drive up and leave my car. We start walking at about 10:30. They take it in turn to navigate and do very well. Head for Longor for lunch, I got it confused with Warslow in my mind. Eat our sandwiches at Ye Old Cheshire Cheese. Follow the upper Manifold valley all the way down to Hulme End. I have a little problem getting a taxi back to Taddington. The meter reads £55, but he charges me £40. I drive back to meet them at the Manifold Inn. We put up the tents on some rather wet grass and head down for tea. Sit outside to eat, I get suddenly cold late on and we go inside.

Sunday 17th - I sleep well till 7am. We pack up camp and put it all in the back of my car. Walk down to the pub for breakfast, sit on the same table outside. Blue skies. Start walking at about 9:40, we head across to the Dove and walk down Wolfscote dale, very nice. Stop for lunch at noon in Milldale. Matthew Me and his parents walk past. I walk back up Wolfscote dale at rocket pace, back to the car for 1:45, have a shandy at the pub to cool down. Drive back via Warslow.

31st Oct 2015. Waterslacks Expedition.

Matt and Prof with Louie W, Luke B, Nathan M and Lewis S

Saturday 31st - Annette drops me at the Bus station for 8:50. Put Lewis's stuff in Annette's car. Meet up with Matt and the scouts. Catch the 9:20 to Ashbourne. Then catch a rather slow bus to Leek. They take it in turns to navigate, and do well. We cross a lot of valleys. Have dinner at the top of the ridge at Morridge. We enjoy the variation in terrain. Lewis lags behind a bit towards the end. We walk into Butterton and lose Lewis for a few minutes. Get there for about 4pm. Annette drives over to Butterton. Leaves the car at Waterslacks camping barn and walks up to meet us at the Black Lion, it is closed. We walk together down the lane. Distance was 7.5 miles today. The scouts enjoy the barn, and we have a fire outside. We all stay up round the fire. Tell a few jokes and then some truth or dare. Nathan and Mat go and explore the old house. Bed before midnight.

Sunday 1st Nov - I am a bit cold in the night, due to my old sleeping bag. Awake for 8am. Matt does bacon sandwiches, I have mine in bed. Annette and Holly arrive before 9am. We are away by 10:10, we let them go ahead and meet us at Thor's cave. Have a good explore round. Walk on up to Wetton and then across to Stanshope. We leave them to have lunch then we walk on down to Lovers leap. Have gammon sandwiches. Walk on together to the stepping stones and then up to Thorpe, join the Tissington trail. Shortly after we join it we meet Annette and Holly, they have walked up from Ashbourne. March along the trail to try and get the non-existent 4pm bus. Distance today was 11 miles. I leave them there and drive back home. I have a shower and meet them at Derby bus station.

Sunday 11th Oct 2015. Kinder Walk.

I pick up Matthew M, Joe A, Marley and Jacob M at 6am. Drive to Chapel, arrive for 7:30. We all get checked in and inspected. Have a long wait for the start time at 9am. Weather is good, the walk goes well. I had expected Jacob to maybe lag behind but he does fine. I post photos as we are going round for the first time. As we are coming down to the second check point a farmer has a right go at one of the other teams for going on the wrong side of a wall. Matt leads the Kinder Extreme team of Nat M, Nathan M, Louie W and Matt J. Nathan has a sprained ankle and drops out at Hayfield. Annette and Jeanette Kent are waiting at the end to meet us.

15th Nov 2014. Butterton Expedition.

Matt and Lammo with ZZT.

Saturday 15th - There is some issue with the expedition because the bus to Waterhouse no longer runs. They have to walk from Ashbourne. We go down to the hut for approx 2pm and load up the stuff. One hour to get to Butterton, pick up the key and drop the stuff in the barn. We drive down to the bottom of Wetton Lane and find them there. Back at the barn, Paul L makes a fire and we stay for a hot chocolate. Holly is born the next day.

Sunday 12th Oct 2014. Kinder Extreme.

Set the alarm for 3:40, round to Matt's for 4:20 and we swap cars. I get Elliott, followed by Tim F, Lewis D, Sean N and Alex HS. I realise that I have driven round the whole of Oakwood with no lights on. Head to Chapel, arrive shortly before 6am. Check-in, Lewis has no hat or gloves, or pen and paper. Get minibus to Edale, start walking at 7:10am. Follow some people on the first bit, because I have not done it before. Keep up a good pace as we head up Jacobs ladder. Stop for Trail mix on Check Point Alpha, approx 8:30, Annette is updating Facebook. Mr Nightingale and the Explorer team catch us at Kinder Downfall. They started at 7:22. Fantastic weather on the top, blue skies, t-shirts. Come down William Clough and on to check point Delta, near Kinder Res for 10:40. Down into Hayfield, have dinner at the Scout HQ, I talk with Tom Stoddart, he was friends with Windy Miller many year ago. Very quick lunch and push on back through Hayfield. Bets are being taken on Facebook. Join the Challenge route at 12:30, some of the team are starting to slow. We pass Paul Lambkin's team at Snake Holes. Just behind Mr Nightingale and Matt at the Chestnut centre, we race after them. Some of my team run ahead to catch up with Matt. Finish at 14:11, i.e. 7.01. Hang around a little at the finish and then head back at 3:30pm. All my team are asleep on the way back.

18th Jan 2014. Eyam Expedition.

Saturday 18th - Annette drives to Rowsley, I go on the bus. We all meet at Derby, at 7:40am. Get on the TransPeak at 7:50am. Get off at Rowsley about 9am, Annette arrives shortly afterwards. We walk to Eyam YH. Jude and Sam are on cook team. We do two pans of Chicken curry with onion and four pans of rice. Goes down very well. The leaders have some drinks from the bar, they have bottles of Pedigree. The scouts have showers etc. and then come down to the lounge. It is a bit short of games, but we improvise a Trivial Pursuit challenge between leaders and kids. We are in bed for 11pm.

Sunday 19th - Up at 8am. Get Luke and Josh on breakfast duty, they do bacon and sausage sandwiches. Check out of the Youth Hostel just after 10am. We all walk down to the village and they spend till 11:15 exploring. Head west to Foolow, stop for a little break. Down to Wardlow Mires and into a very wet Cressbrook dale. At 13:30 as we are walking down Cressbrook dale the sun comes and we stop for lunch. We get into Taddington with 15 minutes to spare for the 16:55 TransPeak. It is the same driver as on the way up. Annette, Matt and Vanessa get off at Rowsley and drive the cars back. We get the bus back to Derby.

Sunday 13th Oct 2013. Kinder Walk.

Get up at 5:30am, pick up Sean N from his Grans and over to Oakwood Leisure Centre for 6:30am. Everyone is waiting. I drive up to Chapel with Cathy Birch following. We arrive just before 8am. Do the inspection thing, etc. Get under way by 8:48. I have forgotten the first 100 yards, so we wait for another team and follow them. Drizzle for the first part of the day. We make it fairly easily to Check point Alpha. Just as we arrive our other scout team join us, they had been over to Slackhall first. We walk together pretty much from that point. Ross J and Nat M are a little slow but not bad. I keep on telling them not to stop and it seems to work. We move steadily through Beta, Charlie and Delta, down the hill to finish. We complete in 4:43 at half one. I buy tea shirts for Simon Woodwards team. Matt's lot finish just before 4pm. Just as we are approaching Rowsley, Ross is sick, I pull into the Peacock and clear things up. We drive on with the windows open. Have a toilet stop at Matlock. Drop all the scouts at home.

June 2013. Hesley Wood.

Saturday 15th - Drive up to Hesley Wood Scout camp for about 3pm. I enjoy exploring round the camp with Nathan M and Luke B, doing the Orienteering course. In the evening Annette had plans to take them to the Camp fire, but they start making a bivouac. It rains in the night and they get a bit wet.

Sunday 16th - I help with breakfast with Matt J. I go with the older ones to do the canoe session, in the end I join in. The lake is small, but I enjoy it. I cook some very nice pork chops on the fire. The lounger ones do their canoe session from 2pm. Matt and Annette canoe with them. I take some good video. Parents turn up from 3pm and we put it all away.

13th October 2012. Taddington Camping Barning.

Prof, Matt W, Jack, Ben, and more.

Friday 12th - Drive up to Taddington and leave my car at the camping barn. It seems to take most of the evening.

Saturday 13th - Catch the bus at 8:30am to Bakewell. When we arrive give them a compass and talk though the route. Me and Matt then give them 15 minutes head start. They find the railway easily enough and walk along it. We meet up with them just by Cressbrook. They then go on ahead. Eat our packed lunch sitting on the viaduct. Shelter from the rain for ten minutes in the mouth of the tunnel. Walk all the hill opposite Ravenstor. It starts to rain as we get into Taddington. Paul Jennings phones about a Trent 700 trim problem just as we are arriving in Taddington. No signal at the barn. Margaret is not too pleased that we dumped the car there last night. The scouts soon find the pool table and the parrot at the Queens Arms. The scouts cook chicken curry and pasta bolognaise for tea. Back to the pub to get warm. In bed and quiet for midnight.

Sunday 14th - Awake from 7:30am. Scouts cook breakfast, bacon and egg. Matt goes through the route with Jack and Ben. We are under way for 9:30am, give them 20 minutes start. I miss a bit of a short cut as me and Matt come into Deep Dale and they get further ahead. Meet up with them in Monyash. They go ahead and we have one in the Bulls Head. Walk down Lathkil dale. We miss the 5:15pm bus and only just makes the 6:15pm. Annette picks me up in Darley bridge, we go back to Taddington to get my car. I am back at the scout hut before the parents.

Group camp - Melton Sept 2011

Friday 30th - Set off at 6pm for Melton Mowbray. Drive down the A606 and into Melton to buy some wine. I start the fire when we arrive. Have some chips later on. Stay up till 1am, just to keep order, but there is almost no noise.

Saturday 1st Oct - I get up at 7am, a few of the cubs are up from 6am. Get the fire going from 10am. I am in the Pink team 4, with John Anthony, his wife Tracy, Sam A, Ross J, Josh B. We dry up from breakfast. Get the chickens on the fire at 11:30am. Steam them till 6pm. It is very hot by the fire. Me and Paul Gant run the wood branding activity. Have a fire in the evening. Pete and Paul run a few sketches and songs. Stay round the fire till 1am. Burn a few cable drums.

Sunday 2nd - I get up to help Annette's team 1 with the breakfast, I do a bit of omelette. My team do a very good sausage casserole for lunch. The others do a mini Olympics. We have to be away by 3:30pm.

Leaders camp - Bretton Jan 2009

Friday 30th - Leave my house at about 9pm and drive up to Bretton Youth Hostel. Drive slowly because of the emergency tyre, arrive at about 10:30pm. Sit in the front room drinking and talking and eating cheese. Go to bed at about 1am, the bedrooms are very cold. Annette phones me and I go and help her to sleep by the fire till about 2am.

Paul and Debbie Gant, Me and Annette, Paul and Monica Lambkin, Simon Barton, Brian and Carol Counter, Anne Sparkes, Tony, Zoë, Sophie and Nick Gordon and some others.

Saturday 31st - Up for about 8:30am, good cooked breakfast. Drive in convoy to the Fairholmes car park. We cycle north and round the top of Howden reservoir and down the east side for the first time. Get back to the car park at 3:40pm. Tony Gordon asks if anyone wants to cycle back to Bretton, it seems like fun so I say yes. Go over the Ladybower Dam and along a disused railway to Thorncliff, down and start going up at Shatton, go past the first transmitter and down into Abney. From Abney follow the road to Bretton, just as we arrive at 5:30pm we see Zoë and Annette returning from their run. We join them for a drink in the Barrel. Paul Gant had set off to rescue his fellow cyclists, and finds us in the pub. Very good Sausage casserole for tea. Later Brian does a Pub Quiz, my team wins. Everyone rather tired, bed for about 11:30pm.

Sunday 1st Feb - Sleep well till 9am, down for a good fried breakfast. Me and Paul Lambkin drop a car down in Eyam. A few people drive back. Walk away from Eyam initially and down to the Troll's bridge. Gets rather cold. Walk back up and near to Sir William Hill, pass close to the Youth Hostel and then down to Eyam. Eat in the Eyam Buttery, it had been chosen because it did vegetarian food. Annette is not too happy with missing a pub lunch. Paul gives us a lift back up to Bretton to fetch our cars. Annette, Simon and Debbie start to walk up the road to the hostel. Drive to the Queen Anne at Great Hucklow for a quick half and then back to Eyam. It starts snowing whilst we are in the Miners Arms. Drive back without any problem.

15th November 2008. Birchover Camping Barning.

Prof, Annette, Tim A, Toby K, William B, Callum R

Saturday 15th - Drive to Belper to catch the Transpeak at 9:45. It is full so Annette and I get on the Sixes, this also goes to Matlock but goes via Wirksworth. We arrive at the new Sainsbury's bus station. I have a great bacon and egg sandwich from Belper Morrison's. Start walking at 11:40, a little light rain to start with. Walk up to Bonsall, have lunch by the cross. Go into the café for cups of tea. Walk on, a navigational error takes us past the Barley Mow and then over the fields towards Winster. They are starting to get the idea of following the route on the map. Buy some food in Winster and then cross the valley to Birchover. It goes dark as we are walking up to the farm, very muddy on the last stretch. The electricity and the heater don't work so the barn is rather cold and dark. Cook sweet and sour chicken and chicken curry in the cooking area outside. Tim is very cold in the night.

Sunday 16th - My phone alarm goes off at 8:30 and they start to wake up. Eventually get a cup of tea in bed. Start walking at the same time as yesterday, i.e. 11:40. Nice clear day, fresh. Walk over Stanton moor, due to a navigational error we miss most of the tree people. Have lunch looking down over Rowsley. Ask them to take a bearing of the TV mask on Stanton moor, none of them can actually do it. Start to get annoyed with Callum, he still is pretending that he can navigate. Quite pleased to arrive in Bakewell. Catch the 4:40 bus, get off at Belper.

10th November 2006. Taddington Expedition.

Prof, Annette, Glenn R, Charles P, Thomas B

Friday 10th - I am off work with a cold. Pick up the scouts at 6pm. Drive up to Ashford, drop them off in the dark and rain just after 8pm. Annette joins them at the bridge. I drive up to the Taddington camping barn and get the chicken curry on. At about 9.30 they call me and I pick them up just down from White Ladies. Back to the barn for tea. I have had all the heaters on since I arrived but it is still very cold. Annette and I nip out for one in the Queen's Arms, the scouts play cheat. Back for some very good hot chocolate. Play cards till 1ish. You can see your breath all night, some don't sleep too well. The cold air hurts my chest.

Saturday 11th - Up for 7.30am. The scouts cook breakfast and do a little route planning. I give them a little compass reminder. They set off at 9.30. We tidy up and try to unblock the sink. Drive to the first check point at Flagg school, after they are not there we try the next section. After a while we get them on the walkie-talkie. They have had some navigational issues and are at least an hour behind. We have a coffee in the Duke of York and wait for them. We then drive up to Buxton to get a few things for lunch, meet them again at Parsley Hay. Get sandwiches ready for them in Hartington between 3pm and 3.30pm. Drive down to see them at the top of Beresford dale and then call in the George at Alstonefield for a nice pint of Pedigree and an open fire, I had forgotten how good the pub was. Meet them again at the start of Milldale. Annette walks with them down Dovedale, very dark. I wait for them in the car park and then go and check them into the youth hostel. Starts to rain heavily after they arrive. They cook Irish stew for tea. Later we play some table tennis, jenga, etc. sleep well.

Sunday 12th - Out of bed for 9am, rush breakfast and out of the Youth Hostel for about 10.30am. We all go for a little wander down by the river and then back up for a cup of tea. Squash back into the car and drop them off at 1pm.

18th August 2006. Walesby Camp.

Leaders - Rachael, Prof, Annette
Scouts - Thomas F, Glenn R, Tim A, Callum R, Alex MS, Callum H, Jack M

Friday 18th - Leave work straight from lunch. Pick up Rachael, go to hut. Drop off the food and then I go to get gas, end up at the garage by the Pentagon. Pack the trailer, lift it onto Pete's car and the handle falls off. Drive to Kilburn to fix it. Pete and Rachael then set off up the A38. I pack some stuff and set off after them at 4pm. Just after Alfreton Pete's car over heats and Rachael phones me. I put four bottles of lager in the radiator. He starts it and loads of white smoke comes out. His calls his lad Paul to come and get him. Me and Rachael drive on up to Walesby. The parents have been since 4pm and have gone to McD's. Drive to the camp site, arrive at about 5.30pm. We can find nobody around to check us in so I ring the emergency bell. Staff come running from all directions. We choose a site well away from everyone else. Just start setting up in the rain when me and Pete realise that there is loads of stuff in his boot on the A38. I drive back to get it, get there for about 8.30pm. Get Annette and Thomas at the same time. The parents and Rachael have done a fine job of setting everything up. Fantastic calm starry night. Scouts go to bed for 11ish. We have to stay up till 2am waiting for them to go to sleep.

Saturday 19th - Bacon, eggs, beans for breakfast. Go down to archery for 11am. Seems an incredibly small course but ends up being a good fun hour. Move straight to the 45 foot climbing wall. All the scouts have a go, most get to the top. I have a go and get to the top. The instructors make me sing I'm a little tea pot on the way down. Back for lunch and then Annette and I set up the peg finding game, they don't go round the course very fast. Since the chicken is still frozen we have pasta bolognese. After tea go to the camp fire from 7 till 8. Doesn't seem that good at the time but the songs stick in our minds ( particularly Jack ) for a few days. Baby jaws. Polar bears. Disco from 9-11, leaders have to wait in the camp bar. Back for biscuits and hot drinks.

Sunday 20th - Heavy rain wakes me up at 4.10am. Bit of a slow start in the morning. Glen and Alex do sausages and boiled eggs for breakfast. When I try to crack my egg it seems to be made of rubber. We all have to rush to be ready for the bus to Church. Annette does not go and Rachael suddenly declares that she does not feel very well. I have to borrow her shirt. Wait for the bus to Church from 10 till quarter past, but no show. Decide that we have been scammed. Take them on a walk by the river, have a look at Robin Hood's cave. Have sandwiches for lunch and then we all walk down to the lake for 2pm kayak session. Whilst Trish, the instructor, is giving the briefing I seem to have a problem listening to which hand to hold the paddle in, the girls find it funny. On the way back the girls grab a BBQ from another site to take it to ours. We all go collecting wood. It takes a long time to get a good fire going. I cook the chops on the fire with Annette. Rachael cooks the potatoes, etc. in the tent.

Monday 21st - Heavy rain from 5am. Get up early and cook a little quicker than yesterday. Get down to the lake for the Raft building. All the scouts have a go and Annette also. They have to tie four barrels and poles together. Both rafts collapse in the water, lots of splashing around for two hours. We all go back for a shower. We all do the 1 hour orienteering course, some of them walk round. Rachael, Annette and I walk round but we cannot find the second clue. Chicken curry for tea, goes down very well. Nip out to Tesco in Ollerton to get a few things. Pete Dixon and Paul Lambkin turn up at about 7pm. Paul gets lots of wood and we have a big fire and lots of jokes and singing.

Tuesday 22nd - Good weather. Pack up from the start, about ready by noon. Ring Robert Taylor to ask if he can pick us up. Invest Alex. Most scouts leave at about 2pm. My car will not start, ring Robert to ask if he can get some jump leads. Back to the hut for about 6.30. Mrs Rhodes helps us unpack. Done for 7.30pm.

18th June 2004. Gradbach Mill "I'm a scout, get me out of here !" Camp. Rachael, Adam, Annette and Prof are leaders.

June 11th 1993 Group camp at John Lee Wood camp site.

Feb 1991 - Weekend Camp at Lee Bridge with Rich Martin, Paul Furmston, William Bugg, Chinney, Andy Gregory, Charlie Binns.

Friday 22nd - Drive up to Lea Bridge in Belper Van and put the tents up while the sun shines. Get lots of fire wood and start the fire. Cook on the gas rings due to heavy rain. Leave a large log on the fire. They have an early night and tell ghost stories.

Saturday 23rd - Cook breakfast on the fire. Walk along the river and up to Crich. Crich stand is shut due to the high wind. Get some essential supplies, i.e. tea bags. Walk along the top to Holloway, very windy. Cook chicken, bacon and baked potatoes on the fire. Have toast and marshmallows to follow. Stay up late talking.

Sunday 24th - Rain in the morning. The fire is still alive. Cook a large breakfast and get packed up. Leave at 3pm.

Aug 27th 1989. Back Packing with Flod, Lee Pollard and Mark Ecob.

Sunday 27th - Pick up Flod and Bunce at 2pm, go up to the Scout hut to get some stuff. Drive to Belper and catch the bus at 4.15 to Buxton. First try the camp site south of Buxton, this is full so we have to walk up to Cold Springs farm again, get there for 8pm after stopping in town for food. Put up the tents and then walk back to the Sun Inn.

Monday 28th - Wake up to a beautiful sunny morning, lie in till 9am. I cook bacon and eggs for breakfast. Get away by 11am, head south. Go over Hollinsclough. Camp at the Butchers Arms in Reaps Moor for the first time.

Tuesday 29th - Wake at 9am to steady rain, Flod cooks breakfast and I wash. We don't get out of the tents till noon. They want to go straight to the pub but I make them walk to Hartington, stay there for a while. Walk past the campsite where Flod stayed last time that he was in Hartington. Camp at Endon Cottage. Beef burgers, peas and rice for tea cooked by Bunce. Walk to the 'Duke of Devonshire' in the evening. Walk back playing the alphabet game.

Wednesday 30th - Wake up at 9am, off at 11am after a good breakfast. Walk all the way down the Manifold valley. Stop at Wetton Mill cafe for a cup of tea. Get to Waterhouses for about 3pm, just miss the bus, have to wait till 4.55 for the next one. Bunce is worried about missing a football game. Get into Derby for 5.45 and then get a taxi to Breadsall Village, Bunce just makes it.

May 27th 1989. Back Packing with Lee Pollard and Mark Ecob.

Saturday 27th - Pick up Lee and Bunce at 10.30am, drive up to Asda to buy some food. Catch the Transpeak at 2.15 up to Buxton. Walk up to Cold Springs farm. Walk back into Buxton in the evening for chips.

Sunday 28th - Get up at 7.30am, cook breakfast and break camp. On the move for 9am, go via the White Hall centre and Chapel-en-le-Frith to Peak Forest for lunch. Walk over to Castleton and have a long rest. Push on over Hollins Cross to Edale. All the campsites are very full. Steak, chips and peas for tea. Walk down to the Nags Head later, packed solid.

Monday 29th - Walk up onto Hollins Cross and then along to Loose Hill and then Win Hill. Pass by the Yorkshire Bridge. Walk across to a very nice campsite in Hope. Walk into Hope later, go to the Old Hall and the Cheshire Cheese.

Tuesday 30th - Get up at 8.30, have a slow breakfast, walk along the river to Hathersage, have a late dinner and then catch the train to Sheffield.

October 1988. Drury-Lowe. Our one and only attempt at a camping competition.

May 27th 1988 Bense gets his Chief Scouts award, the pinnacle of our achievements.

Jan 17th 1988 24 hour Dragons and Dungeons

March 29th 1986. Wetton Mill trip. Me, Dave Elks, Kevin Clarke. Matt Lister, Jurgen ( Dutch friend of Matt ), Jamie Widdop, Mark Antill, Roger Godber, Jamie Widdop, Mark Pollard, Jimmy Knifton.

Saturday 29th - Meet at 8.45am. Me, Min, Mr Antill and My parents all take cars. Get all packed for 9.10am. Matt Lister decides that he has to go home to get a Dutch language guide. Put up the tents in bright sunshine. The scouts run around exploring and then we take then for a walk down to Thor's cave. After we get back the weather worsens to a heavy storm. Beef burgers followed by steam puddings for tea. Dave arrives at 7pm.

Sunday 30th - Wake up and are surprised by a heavy frost. Breakfast of sausage and eggs. Go for a walk by 10am. By this time there is half an inch of snow. Walk up the disused railway to Hulme End. The PL's navigate us back over the ridge. Back for 2.15pm. One by one we lower the scouts down a muddy 20 foot hole on a sticht plate and then drag them. Three lads from Biddulph who were camping near by also get lowered down the hole. Have a campfire sing song ( without the fire ), Matt Lister's birthday.

Monday 31st - Try to find some good abseiling places. Find a good place, very steep. Send a few of them down a steep muddy bank first. Decide not to do the big one due to wet rocks and large snow flakes. Mr Antill comes round to pick Mark up. Go for a cup of tea in the cafe, wait till it is empty first and then pile in, buy them all drinks. Mrs Lister and Jurgens parents turn up to take them home. Cannelloni for tea. The picture shows Mark Pollard after he had just fallen over in the mud for the second time. We all stay in the big brown tent and play Dungeons and Dragons. Play till 3.30am.

Tuesday 1st - Sausages for breakfast, sausages for lunch ( about 7 each ) Pack the tents away in reasonable weather. Mr Antill comes back to help us get the gear home.

Summer 1975 I go with Little Eaton scouts to the Back Dane house near Gradbach, Andy McNicol is the Leader. To get there we are loaded onto the back of an open lorry, I think Fred Kinder drives it. We have to crawl under some tarpaulin on the back for protection. On the way there we stop outside a pub. The leaders go in and tell the scouts that they are going in to ask for directions. After we have waited for over half an hour I can remember thinking to myself 'It must be a very difficult place to find!'. I realise years later that they just went in for a drink. I use a similar plan when we take the scouts to Alport Hut. We would stop at the 'Yorkshire Bridge' and tell the scouts that we were nipping in to get the hut key. William Bugg later told me that it took him years to realise that the hut did not even have a lock.