What's New

Sept 2024 Changes to my Misc Map to use Advanced Markers and add a filter option.

Aug 2024 Make a start on publishing some of my mother's work on Family History.

11th Oct 2023 Start using FreeFind for internal web site searching.

31st Aug 2022 Change web hosting from M247 to WHUK.

26th Aug 2022 Website how uses Secure HTTP as default.

Feb 2021 Change to use CSS for all Image, Horizontal Rule and Header paragraphs.

Jan 2021 Change to use .ASPX page style and .Net 4.7.

6th Feb 2020 Start using SiteLevel for internal web site searching.

Oct 2010 Add a Canoe Construction page.

Mar 2010 Do some catching up with accounts of previous ski trips and China.

Jul 2009 Make a start on my Lists, Routes and Maps page

Apr 2009 Put on accounts for the Coast to Coast trip

Feb 2009 Ten thousand visitors achieved after only ten years !

Apr 2008 Decide to use Google Maps to make a map of all Derbyshire pubs Derbyshire Pubs map

Mar 2008 Decide to use Google Maps to make maps of lots of random places

Jan 2008 Decide to make a map of all Pubs visited

August 2007 Decide to make a list of Countries visited.

July 2007 Put on accounts for this years Seattle and Dolomites trips.

January 2007 Get 1000 slides from April 1987 to April 1990 scanned and ready to put on the site.

November 2006 Seven thousand visitors achieved after eight years.

August 2006 Start using my Flickr account to display lots of my pictures.

October 2005 Five thousand visitors achieved after only seven years.

August 2005 I decide to try and compile of list of all the Pubs that I have been in.

1st March 2005 Add picture album to the Lapland 1984 page.

January 2005 Add report of Rome 2003.

December 2004 Ditch Java Hover Buttons because they don't work anymore.

March 2004 Add reports of Ski trip 1993 and Ski trip 1994

October 2003 Add reports of Kilimanjaro 2003 trip.

15th August 2003 Two thousand visitors achieved after only five and a half years.

July 2003 Add reports of Peru 2002 trip.

April 2003 Add reports of Ski 2003 trip and Nov 2002 Scotland trip.

29 September 2002 Add reports of La Rochelle weekend and 40th birthday trip.

18th September 2002 Add report of Iceland 2002 holiday.

1st August 2002 First One thousand visitors achieved after only four and a half years.

25th July 2002 Add pictures of Little Eaton school reunion.

22nd June 2002 Add the Site Map page

19th May 2002 Add reports from Morocco 1982 and the Henry Cav Reunion Page.

12th May 2002 Add reports from Ireland cycle holiday 1987, add some of PK pictures to the L.E. lads page.

May 2002 Change to use .ASP page style.

18th April 2002 Start adding fancy red buttons based on fphover class

3rd April 2002 Add Matt Smith's Tanunka Jazz Page

16th March 2002 Add reports from Tenby 1986, Peak85, Peak90

9th March 2002 Add reports from Lisbon, Lakes Feb 2002 Trip, West Highland Way, Ibiza, Tour du Mont Blanc.

17th February 2002 Add reports from Alpenstrasse, Lapland

17th February 2002 Announce the wedding of Anna and Clive.

6th February 2002 Added pictures from Poland.

16th October 2001 Added the site search feature and details of the Japan, Poland, Budapest, Prague trips.

2nd October 2001 Added pictures of Gorges du Tarn canoe holiday.

5th August 2001 Set up Web Hosting with OpenHosting.co.uk

16th July 2001 Temporarily remove the Alport Hut, Peak, Charity Walks and Gang Show pages to make more space.

4th July 2001 Start a work related page from the Others page.

13th May 2001 Add the Little Eaton Lads page to the Holiday page.

28th April 2001 Add everyone's name in the welcome page in the hope of getting them indexed.

11th Feb 2001 Add more pictures of Canoeing, Budapest, Alport Lawnmower push

6th Jan 2001 Convert all pages to use tables instead of frames

21st November 2000 - Split the Alport Hut page into three

1st October 2000 - Add Snowdon House Page

28th September 2000 - Add Diary extracts for Canal trips 94 and 97

17th September 2000 - Add Diary extracts for Alport trips and a few pictures. 5.44 Mbytes, 240 images, 36 pages.

10th September 2000 - Add Diary extracts for every Scout and Venture Youth Hostel trip.

20th August 2000 - I register www.AlportHut.com

29th May 2000 - Lots of work on Peak camps, 4.14 MBytes in size, 197 images

27th May 2000 - Create directories for each Scout camp, scan lots of slides.

23rd May 2000 - Concentrate on the Charity walks slides for a while.

16th May 2000 - First Scanned slides start to appear.

23rd April 2000 - Copyright to Professor Snail 1.81 MBytes in size, 76 images

Dec 1999 - 640kBytes 42 images. This is what it looked like.

Dec 1998 - 40kBytes 1 image. This is what it looked like.

26th June 1998 - Launched using Compuserve Home Page Wizard. This is what it looked like.