Breadsall Scouts

Beddgelert 1986

These pictures show a scout trip to Beddgelert in North Wales during August 1986. This show an unusually tidy patrol and tent ready for inspection. From the left are Mark Pollard, Mark Benson, Jamie Widdop, Johnny Davis and Jimmy Knifton.

This is the other patrol on that same trip and consisted of Robert Benson, Roger Godber, Anthony Daykin, Jonathan Jupp and Matthew Lister.

Sunday 3rd - I drive down and fetch a van from Atwal Van hire. Every time that you go round a right hand bend the whole van wobbles. In the morning get everyone into the bus and away. The scouts all shout and laugh when we approach a right hand bend. The tyre gives up in Audlem, takes an hour to put the spare on. Get there at 3:30pm. They make fires from wet Rhododendron leaves. Drive to Porthmadog to get them chips.

Monday 4th - Just after midnight they come in and sing "Happy Birthday" to me. Get up at 8:20am to a bright sunny day. Drive into Caernarfon, take them round the castle. Do some shopping and walk round the town a bit, starts to rain heavy. Dave cooks a big 30 egg omelette for tea. Garag comes round and chops up some logs with his chainsaw. We notice that he has lost a few fingers. They all play Dragons and Dungeons and me and Benny burn all the leaves. 3 leaders, guide watches, come round for a chat, they stay up all night. Walk into Beddgelert at 10pm for the phone.

Tuesday 5th - Get up at 8am to a nice sunny day, shorts weather. Have full inspection. Go canoeing at 11:30, I go in and do a roll, then they go in pairs while I watch. Roger G goes down the weir backwards. They all have about 20 minutes each. Go to the guides tuck shop and then go canoeing again. Play the guides at rounders, at Lister's insistence. We win 82 to 34. Heavy rain after tea. Heave tea of spam and beans cooked on the fire. Dave takes them for Dragons and Dungeons. Rain stops at 9:30pm, very calm evening.

Wednesday 6th - Woken up at 5:45am by the sound of heavy rain, we cook them breakfast in bed. Have to jump start the van when going down the track. Drive to Ffestiniog, go down the biggest slate mine in the world. Drive to Bangor to go swimming and shopping. Very heavy rain on the way back. When we get back discover that the toilet tent has been blown down. The food table has also been blown over in the brown tent. Open the door of the brown tent and it almost blows away. Cook inside the brown tent. Dave carries on with Dragons and Dungeons, they also played in the van during the day. Walk down to the village with Lister.

Thursday 7th - Very strong wind during the night. Breakfast in bed. Misty and wet, decide to go a walk up Yr Garn, call in at Gelert's grave. Get to the top in mist and strong winds, get a little lost. When we get back Dave cooks spag bol for them. The guide leader comes round to invite us to their camp, go over at about 9:30pm. The guides know lots of songs. We sing "Green grow the rushes O" and "On Ilkley moor bar tat", do the "Bangski" sketch and the human pyramid. Talk to the Captain's husband about the camp organisation, very impressive. Get back at about 11:30pm.

Friday 8th - Awoken by the sound of rain. Dave walks down into Beddgelert with most of the scouts. Dig hole for the bog, very stoney. Take J.K. canoeing. Drag the canoes up to the Copper mine bridge and canoe down past the campsite for ¼ mile. I have to carry both canoes back. Take Jamie W up river, he rolls twice on smooth water, Mark Pollard goes over twice but seems quite happy. Most people have a go thru the rapids and enjoy it. I get cold. Have a big tea of boiled potatoes, beef burgers, fish fingers and beans. Take all the scouts down to use the phone, it takes over an hour.

Saturday 9th - I decide to cook them breakfast in bed again. They do the washing and make sandwiches. Misty on the tops. Drive to Beddgelert for Mars bar and then to the Pen-y-pass Y.H. set off at 12:10, very hot, no wind. Me and Dave carry everything. Go up the Pyg track to the top of Snowdon, Roger gets bad blisters, down by 4:30pm. Pick up a Deaf and Dump hitch hiker on the way back. They cook rice and we cook curry for tea. Dragons and Dungeons till 1:45am.

Sunday 10th - Get up at 7:30am, 36 scrambled eggs for breakfast. Pack up camp, leave at 12:15, good weather. Stop at Corwen for dinner and to finish the Dragons and Dungeons. Home for 4:15pm, take them all back in the van.