July 29th 1995 Breadsall Scouts and Rubicon when to Peak 95. The scout contingent was Me, William B and Paul F leading, Tim S, Andrew M, Tom D, Joseph M, James P, Nick H, Simon S, Chris B, Philip D, and Henry G. We were in the Wingfield sub-camp. The Ventures were Adrian Seal, Sarah Withey, Anna W, Helen S, Kate M, Paul G, Rich M, Ian A, Matt S, Ste H and Katharine H.
Friday 28th July - Arrive at 6pm at the scout hut. Nobody there, PK was asleep, start packing at 6.30, away by 7.30pm. Drive in a convoy. Put up the tents by 10pm.
Saturday 29th - Take the scouts to explore, Jubilee rock, Rubicon, go to the river with the ventures, skip lunch. Burgers and beans for tea. Disco later.
Sunday 30th - John and Mary Moffat, Jill Drury bring the cubs to visit scout camp. Mrs Middleton and her parents come up. Go to the guides for lunch, have salad, pie and ice cream. JT, Christine, Dave Lakin + wife, Flod and Ruth come round. Make them a cup of tea at scouts, much appreciated. After the cubs go we go down to the river. Nick kills a duck.
Monday 31st -
Tuesday 1st August
Wednesday 2nd -
Thursday 3rd -
Peak 95 Wave. Chilli for tea.
Friday 4th -
Serving cups of tea to our visitors on the Sunday.
Breadsall Cubs also came to visit us that day.
The scouts during a quiet moment.
In one of our few moments of free time the leaders had a go on the climbing wall.
The popular camp activity of relaxing.
Tim and Joseph representing us in a sub-camp competition involving throwing sponges.
At the end of most of the days we went down to bathe in the river.
Joseph needed some persuasion to go for a swim.
The ventures came round for a drink some nights.
Feeding time.