Breadsall Scouts

PEAK 2005

We camped at Chatsworth for "Peak 2005". The leaders were Rach and Prof. The scouts were Tom F, Charles P, James A, Will A, Glen R, Callum R, Callum H, Shane T, Tom B and Sam G.

Saturday 30th

Weather – Warm but raining

Menu – Cheese / Ham sandwiches, salad, crisps + cake for lunch Spaghetti Bolognese for tea

Special Events – Setting Up Opening Ceremony – Tom B dancing on stage !

Rach – We're finally here

Prof – After having plans of being back very early, we arrive back at 9.45. Get the scouts to clear the site and put up their tents. Spaghetti Bolognese went down well. There was apparently a small problem with pudding. The scouts all seemed to enjoyed the opening ceremony. They were appreciative of Girls Alouder. Scouts tired and asleep by midnight.

Activities – Sh*t sheelin, puttin up tents, watching 5 mingin girls on stage.
Comments – Bored, bored n bored looking forward to tomoz. Are going for the 3 S's

Activities – BIRD WATCHING Put tents up. Had look around. Went to opening.
Comments – Good shops. Opening was very, very, VERY good, Bad weather.

Activities – Arrived at camp and set up tents and cleared camp area of sleep poo. I then played cricket and swingball. In the evening we went to the opening ceremony.
Comments – I enjoyed exploring the site, but putting up tents was hard work and picked up the sheep poo was disgusting.

Activities – Played in wood, set up camp, errm we went to the opening ceremony
Comments – No pudding

Callum H
Activities – I climbed lots of trees. There are interesting things in the field.
Comments – No pudding, dinner was good

Activities – football
Comments – We lost at football as only me and William were the only ones their from 158 scouts. No pudding!

Activities – We went bird watching and we saw a fit one.
Comments – They were fit

Callum R
Activities – I went to buy woggle's and sweets, I also went to the opening ceremony.
Comments – We played in the woods, I recommend it

Activities – Bird watching
Comments – Saw 5 fit girls on stage during the opening ceremony. I went on stage. One held my hand YEEE !!

Activities – Bird watching, scouting for babes.
Comments – Very sexy and fit women, they clearly fancy me and I loveeeee them !

Sunday 31st

Weather – Cloudy in morning but soon brightened up ! Warm afternoon

Menu – Breakfast: Bacon, beans, scrambled eggs. Lunch: Tuna/Turkey sandwiches. Tea Chicken chasseur and rice ( due to no potatoes )

Special Events

Rach – James A: “ Whats a paper towel ? ” Shane: “ How do you open a jar ? ” Busy day ! James Macro, camping with the 1st Oakwood Guides has joined us for activities + lunch. Scouts have made friends with most of the females on Cotopaxi! Slight problem with food orders – we have ordered bead rolls instead of potatoes, we're now overrun with bread rolls.

Prof – After confidently expecting all to be up by 7am, I was wrong. Most got up reluctantly for 8am. Cricket and Swingball very popular. A few on the camp challenge. William goes Raft Building, James Macro goes Mountain biking. I queue for two hours with Glen, Callum R, James for the assault course, hurts my feet. Tea was good. Almost all the scouts enjoyed the disco. TDF mobbed by girls most of the evening. Charles and Sam seem to be developing new skills.

Tom F
Activities – Table tennis, Disco n other activities
Comments – better than yesterday

Activities – Table Tennis, Hat signing, Playing in the woods, Disco, Hugging random girls.
Comments – The hugging of random girls was a good laugh, we've found a new hobby !!! The woods are great with loads of cool stuff.

Activities – I went rafting and it was very cold and wet. Then I messed around with James while the disco was on.
Comments – We messed around when the disco was on because James didn't like loud noise.

Activities – . . . . . .er assault coarse
Comments – “No Comment”

Callum R
Activities – Circus skills, quiz
Comments – Very challenging

Activities – Adventure course disco
Comments – We had to wait ages for the course fitchett has chatted up LOADS of girls.

Activities – Went table tennis which was great. Went to disco and saw birds
Comments –

Callum R
Activities – Adventure course
Comments – Took ages to get on course with Glenn and James we went on a massive zip wire and a mattress tower.

Activities – Shouting at Fitchett's girlfriends because they shouted at me. Table Tennis
Comments – Table Tennis rocks. One boy thought I was professional. My voice was hoarse after shouting at them. They are all mingers !!!! Tom F some aren't

Activities – Bird watching again, disco, hugging nice girls
Comments – They were all fit I got 18 hugs and then I found out two were Scottish so I started rolling around on the floor laughing.

Monday 1st August

Weather – Getting better, however heavy shower at lunchtime

Menu – Breakfast: Sausage, eggy bread, tomato Tea: Chops, carrots, potato

Special Events – Knock Out, 7 legged race, visitors evening.

Rach – Cooked breakfast with Tom F and Will. Scouts went to activities in the morning whilst I went to the sub-camp meeting. After lunch Prof took scouts to It's a knockout whilst I tidied tent. Cooked tea with help from Will, ran out of gas just as Mrs Beard arrived for a visit! Scouts not impressed with Magic Roundabout, watched Jen's line dance.

Prof – Scouts all have activities in the morning. Rain during lunch. Take them up to It's a Knock Out in the afternoon. Run out of gas suddenly during tea. Mrs Beard and daughter come up to visit. The scouts go to watch the Magic Roundabout in the cinema tent. Paul Lambkin and Monica come up to visit with Pete Dixon. We all watch Jennifer leading the line dancing demonstration.

Tom F
Activities – Awareness which was great fun
Comments –

Activities – More hat signing. “It's a knock out” “International activities”
Comments – Get loads of names on my hat now going around with Sam and our mates from Oakwood scout group. “It's a knock out” wasn't to bad but not the best. “International activities was loads of things that people in poorer counties do for a living. DUTY PATROL !!! = OUCH!

Activities – Today I did “It's a Knock Out it was Okay but not the best. I also did disabilities awareness which was fun
Comments – We were duty patrol today and it was hard work

Activities – International activities
Comments – very tired

Callum H
Activities – Awareness
Comments – Awareness is fun because you play badminton with wheelchairs and stuff.

Activities – Knockout, circus skills
Comments – every one was booooooring an didn't want to do knockout they are to bothered about havin hat signed.

Activities –
Comments –

Callum R
Activities – Awareness, knockout
Comments – The movie was OK, Awareness was fine, Knockout was cool

Activities – Circus skills, line dancing ( rubbish )
Comments – Got loads more names on my hat. I learned how to juggle, walk on stilts, how to plate spin and get better at diabolo

Activities – Crystal maze, Birdwatching and Busking
Comments – got loads more names on my hat and a mobile phone number. I got £3.00 when I was playing the guitar with an explorer in the main arena, we spent it on sweets.

Tuesday 2nd

Weather – Hot in the morning. One heavy shower in the evening

Menu – Breakfast: Bacon, fried eggs, beans Lunch: Turkey Tea: Chilli and rice, apple pie and custard.

Special Events – Beach party was rather popular, after we had twisted a few arms to make them go.

Rach – Entertained by a few different visitors this afternoon. Glenn and Callum's Aunty and Irish commissioners driver ! Started reading Harry Potter, very addictive. Went for a walk round camp and bumped into some Noel Baker students. Visited Charlotte in Rushmore sub camp this evening.

Prof – Visit from the food inspector went OK. Sun becomes rather warm in the morning. Visit from Dave Mac later on. Drive to Chesterfield to get some more food. Overhear a shelf stacker saying “Where is all the food going ?” Chilli turned out a little too hot, I loved it, have thirds just to save on washing up. Dig a new wet pit early on. Security then come round and say no digging holes. Whilst drinking my night cap, I sense that there is something in my drink. Suspecting that it is something left over from washing up, I leave it. When my cup is empty I find a large, live, rather wobbly beetle.

Tom F
Activities –
Comments –

Activities – Karate, circus skills
Comments – Karate was good, and at circus skills I learnt know to spin plates and juggle ! Rach won't let any of us bring guides back to camp unless we bring young men for her. I have also started talking with a Scottish accent all the time.

Activities – I did the assault course and went to the beach party for a bit. I also got loads of signatures on my hat.
Comments – The assault course was really good and a certain Rick is dead grump cos he wont give me his name on my hat.

Activities – RAF team building, Indian lore
Comments – I have decided to become Irish.

Callum H
Activities – I did the assault course. Today was great.
Comments – Adventure course is great

Activities – Crafts, crystal maze
Comments – Crystal maze was boring, all puzzles were similar

Activities – Went to Indian Lore and I made a necklace. Then went RAF building which was cool and then found a girlfriend.
Comments – Rachael won't let us bring girls back so we declare war, WAR !!

Callum R
Activities – Crystal maze, creative arts
Comments – Made cool thing, crystal maze solve by me !

Activities – Karate, Awareness and reading Harry Potter.
Comments – Karate was great, I got to defend against a knife. Awareness was cr*p. I got to the first chapter on Harry Potter. I also have started talking in an American accent all the time.

Activities – Circus skills, bird watching, signing hat
Comments – I got more names on my hat and circus skills was good because I learnt to juggle.

Wednesday 3rd

Weather - Warm

Menu – Sausage and deep fried eggs
Cottage Pie, Angle delight.

Special Events – Silly Olympics, Cub day, Visit from Terry Payne.

Rach – After breakfast I tidy tent whilst Prof walks up to meet Tarry Payne. Cubs invade at about 11am. Also had visits from Lizzie and Jennie from Oakwood guides, seem to have spent the whole day making coffee ! William took me to the disco ! Then we visited Oakwood Guides, Wendy comes back with me and after saying hello to Spondon guides is stopped from joining us by an ambulance at the 35th.

Prof – Enjoy cooking breakfast with William, deep fried eggs go down very well. Callum H has thirds us usual. Walk down to meet Terry, we talk about the forthcoming centenary, he tells me that he went to one in 1957. Five cubs together with Peter Taylor, Sue Sandars and Joan Pollard arrive at about 11am. After they do some activities they return and we all have dinner outside. Cottage pie goes down well except for the lumps in the potato. Problems getting people to do the washing up, the red mist descends. TF goes to bed at 7pm and falls fast asleep, the others go to the disco.

Tom F
Activities –
Comments –

Activities – Circus skills, chimes, silly Olympics
Comments – I'm going really good at juggling at circus skills as well as spinning plates. Chimes was alright but not that good. The silly Olympics was great.

Will Activities – Today I have got still walking, and then I sowed some of rach's badges onto her camp blanket. We went to see Oakwood Guides were rachs sister works.
Comments – The stilt walking was alright but I didn't last long. I pricked myself three times with the needle boo! hoo!

Activities – Circus skills
Comments – Sam has got a girl friend. Every ones betting how long it will last. I have got a bag of sweets riding on 2 days.

Callum H
Activities – Today I played an instrument, it was OK
Comments – OK

Activities –Tag rugby
Comments – Rugby was cool although the rules were a bit rubbish. (no diving)

Activities –
Comments –

Callum R
Activities – Silly Olympics, circus skills
Comments – I got good at plate spinning after a long time. We beat west hallam first team in the Olympics Woo Yay !

Activities – Reading, still walking
Comments – Reading was good, but I haven't got past the first chapter because EVIL Rach won't let me read it because she needs to read it. Stilt walking was good except I nearly broke all the bones on both my legs.

Activities – Tag rugby
Comments – Tag rugby was mint but the rules were a bit dodgy. I got a girlfriend at the disco.

Thursday 4th

Weather – Overcast but warm

Menu – Bacon omelette for breakfast. Birthday lunch with chocolate cake. Chicken tikka masala for tea.

Special Events – Prof's birthday, visit from Annette.

Rach – Get up late today, Prof has already tidied up. While Prof fetches Annette, I attempt to sort out today's activities- no problem. Well that's what I thought, was met with a massive row as GR announces ‘I am NOT going with my brother !’ Help set up Bday lunch, spent 2 hours fetching gas in the afternoon.

Prof – My 4*th birthday. Have a look in the tents at 7.30 but they are all dead to the world, a few start to get up for 8am. Cook bacon omelette for breakfast. Fetch Annette from Bakewell, the show is on but the traffic is not too bad. Show Annette round the site. When I get back have a surprise birthday lunch. Mr Arter and Dave Mac come along. Dave Mac presents me with a 10 year service award ( started in 1984 ?? ) I find a couple of spare moments to finish off the Da Vinci code. Pete and Pat come up for tea. I cook chicken curry. Have to phone Jefiner for more rice ½ way through, turns out to be a good curry ! The scouts enjoy the disco, they are not aware that they are being watched. Most of them have a friend to dance with ( or more ) Massive helicopter circles the camp at about midnight. See some deer quite near the camp. The scouts play poker till almost tomorrow.

Tom F
Activities – canoeing ( or whatever, not important ) I LOVE BECKY ! ! ! is very important
Comments – I LOVE BECKY 4 EVE & EVE

Activities – Climbing wall, Indian lore, canoeing, disco
Comments – climbing wall was good but not as good as canoeing ! I got absolutely soaked and had a fantastic time. In Indian lore we made chokers with sinew. The disco was great.

Activities – Today I climbed the climbing wall, abseiled the abseiling tower and played tag rugby then I went to the disco.
Comments – The disco was AMAZING I danced myself dizzy ! some were getting close !

Activities – Sailing at Carsington. Which was brilliant. Abseiling, crystal maze
Comments – I won the bet !

Callum H
Activities – I went raft building and crystal maze.
Comments – Raft building is VERY GOOD

Activities – Sailing, Abseiling
Comments – Sailing was a new experience but a bit boring. Abseiling was nothing special. GREAT DISCO !!

Activities – went to disco
Comments – got 4 dates 12-2pm Great Disco !!

Callum R
Activities – Abseiling, climbing, canoeing
Comments – cool abseiling, climbing cool, canoeing amazing

Activities – Canoeing, disco, climbing wall, abseiling
Comments – Canoeing was great, I got soaked. Disco was good. Climbing was good. Abseiling was AMAZING

Activities – Canoeing, Abseiling
Comments – Canoeing was great and at the disco me and Shane and Sam got loads of hugs. Abseiling was good too.

Friday 5th

Weather – Showers and warm

Menu -

Special Events – Closing ceremony

Rach – A bit of a debate over the colour of Charles' water bottle ! Scouts give up on hope of their article being in the paper and take matters into their own hands, every scout troop on Cotopaxi is visited and asked “Do you have any young men for our desperate and jealous leader ? ” However even this appeal only results in one visitor !! Had a very good night.

Prof – It is a PINK water bottle.

Tom F
Activities –
Comments –

Activities – Archery, street hockey, disco
Comments – Archery was good but you didn't have enough arrows ( only 9 ! ) Street hockey was amazing. It was run by Canadians who were really sunny and supportive. Our team won every game, winning us the whole thing. We also didn't a single goal in ( for more on street hockey, go to James diary entry ) Me, Sam and Shane stay up to about 2.00am !!!

Activities – archery and tag rugby
Comments – It Was My BDAY Today

Activities – badges swapping
Comments – I've got loads of badges.

Callum H
Activities –
Comments –

Activities – Street hockey, Air rifle shooting
Comments – We won @ street hockey it was the best activity I have done. We had 3 games and won them all 2-0, 2-0 and 1-0. I scored loads and got a Canadian badge.

Activities –
Comments –

Callum R
Activities – Abseiling, badge swapping
Comments – Swapped some great badges for amazing non English one's. I was faster at abseiling now.

Activities – Abseiling, badge swapping
Comments – Abseiling was amazing AGAIN I got some new badges

Activities – Disco, tag rugby, tag rugby cup
Comments – We got to the semi-final in the rugby cup. We wet to the disco on Friday and came back on Saturday.

Final Comments

Tom F -

Charles – AMAZING !!!!!!!!!! THE Best camp I have ever been on. Everything was great. Time to go home now – Not sure if I want to but when you start considering sleeping in a damp, cold, smelly tent for another week .......... no thanks !

Will – I really enjoyed peak 2005. I want to stay for the disco's and activities but I want to go home for a comfy bed and a shower.

Glenn – It was fun but I welcome home and a brake from being told to pick up water and packing away.

Callum H -

James – This has been a brill camp. I think we have all got on well enough !! I liked hockey the best. C U @ Peak 2010

Shane -

Callum R – I want to go home but i don't, But it was the best camp I have been to out of cubs and scouts ! It was cool fun – The End

Beard – I want to go home & I don't. IT HAS BEEN THE BEST CAMP EVER. I HAVE REALLY ENJOYED THE ACTIVITIES. THE END. Tom B was ere 2005

Sam – Best camp eva – AMAZING !!!!!!!