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Spain 2014

Sunday 20th July - Set off at 9:30 or so to drive down to Plymouth. Board the Pont-Aven, Brittany Ferries. Sail at 3pm. We explore some of the bars and then eat later on in the “la Flora” restaurant. I am a bit confused about our location when we pass very close to Ushant and think that it must the Channel Islands.

Monday 21st - Have a good breakfast in the posh restaurant. Walk round the promenade deck a couple of times looking for dolphins. Dock on time in Santander. The Sat Nav takes a little while to kick in and then off we go, however it gets a bit confused. We put in the village name of Mortega it takes us along the auto pista to Torrelavaga. Postcode gets us a little closer. Take a walk round the village and ask some people but nobody knows where Barrio El Mato is. Find it after Annette speaks to Jennifer. We go to the Beach near Liencres. Drive back to Carrefour in Torrelavega and buy some food. Eat in.

Tuesday 22nd - Breakfast of eggs. A bit slow to get going. Set the Sat Nav to Potes, and off we go to the Picos Mountains. Very smooth roads. Drive up to Fuente De. Sit in the shade and eat our sandwiches. It is a two hour wait to go up the cable car, so we don't bother. Drive back to Potes and head south. Drive up the valley Valdeprado and into Palencia region. Great views of the Embalse de Requejada (Lake) on to Aguilar de Campoo. Stop by the lake there for a while. Go to Lidl in Torrelavega for food and wine and back here. Watch Top Gear on the iPlayer.

Wednesday 23rd - We both get bitten in the morning. Head to Santillana Del Mar, park up and wander round. Pay three euro in coins to go round the church. Have a drink on the square. After a couple of hours, we decide to leave. Head to the beach at Luaña near Cobreces. It is very busy with people arriving after work, park at the top of the hill and walk down. Stay for a couple of hours, I get burnt. Go to Torrelavega on way back for more food. Fantastic burgers starter. Save spag for another day. Chocolate do-nuts. Watch some of the Tour du France on telle.

Thursday 24th - Eggs for breakfast. More Peak 2015 problems. Off at noon towards Sotres. Stop for a drink there, very sweet little place, Pena Castil. Head on to Tresviso, an excellent road. Get there and have a wander round. Drive back down to Poncebos and get the funicular railway up to Bulnes. Very nice little village, have a drink there, by the river. Drive down to Santillana Del Mar again. Go for fixed menu of Euro 15, including wine, very good value. On the way out see some bread in a shop, buy it. The woman says something but we ignore her. It turns out to be stale, for show only.

Friday 25th - Thunderstorms and rain in the night, we are both awake and listen to them. Walk round Santander quite a lot and have Tapas at the festival, it appears to be a bank holiday. Drive to the beach called Puntal, try both sides, one very shallow. Drive back to Santillana and go for pizza.

Saturday 26th - Drive into Santander. I have a large Hamburger for breakfast at Gambito and Jambon. Drive to Noja and go on the beach. Drive back and eat in Santander, I have steak and chips at El Chin. Back ache. We watch the Cap Finistere depart.

Sunday 27th - We leave the key with next door neighbour, Carla, she was 12 years in Florida. Drive to Bilbao, visit the Guggenheim. I like the Building and the situation. The Visitors is the most interesting video display. Lots of works by Yoko Ono and Georges Brague. Drive on to San Sebastián, stay in Hotel Luarri on top of hill. Drive down into town, park at Ataxi car park. Walk to the old town, see lots of Pinchos bars, rather Ibiza feel. We have pasta at a pizzeria. Good wine and pasta. Back to hotel for 1am.

Monday 28th - Breakfast in the hotel. Drive towards Pamplona. During a break I read the guide book and decide to do Olite first. Enjoy going round the Castle. Have a bite to eat afterwards. Drive on to Ujue, great views. Back to Pamplona, park up and have a look at prams in El Corte Ingles. Difficult to find the old town. Find the bull ring, walk up one of the streets which the bulls run down. Eat in the cafe above car park, watch the rain, heavy at times. Back for 11:30.

Tuesday 29th - Breakfast in hotel. Head to Laguardia, about two hours. Nice old Spanish village, have some Tapas and small beer. Drive on to the wine museum at Briones, Dynasty Vivanco. A bit late, rush round the museum and then go round the Bodagas. Rather long, enjoy the smell of oak and grapes in the cedars. At the tasting we are both rather disappointed by the Reserve. On to Santo Domingo de la Calzada. It is on the Camino de Santiago. We have a small walk around. Back to San Sebastián, drive to top of hill and go to the Aliaia restaurant, great views of San Sebastián. We have Beef rib for two, great. Back to hotel for 00:30.

Wednesday 30th - Usual breakfast, talk to a couple from Tipperary. Drive down and park in town. Walk to the top with the Jesus statue. Good views. Walk down and along the Gros side. Have some dreadful pizza. Walk back to the car and go in the sea. Do three trips back to get stuff. Both of us have very upset stomachs. Watch “Made in Dagenham”, eat some biscuits in the room. Realise that it could be a long night, I don't really sleep at all.

Thursday 31st - Don't have any breakfast, leave at 11am and drive slowly to Bilbao. Both feel a little better. We board the Cap Finistere, sit on deck for the cast-off. I am very tired and sleep most of the evening. Annette buys me a ham and cheese sandwich at about 9pm. Have some fruit and chocolate later. Sleep well.

Friday 1st August - We go for breakfast on the top deck, nice sunshine. Land at Portsmouth. The Normandie is in the next berth. Annette realises that she has left her Blankie in the cabin. Contemplate trying to buy a Jane Slalom Pro pushchair on the way home but don't. Long queues on the A34 and A43. Home for 8:30pm.